Merge PDF: 3 free tools in the check

Merge PDF: 3 free tools in the check

You can easily join PDF files – with and without software. You can combine several PDFs into one file and easily send them by email. We show here how you can easily combine several PDFs into a single document.

Merge PDF: Here’s how it works with the free online tool

The simplest option is completely without additional software: With the free offer from AnyPDF you can combine several PDFs into one file.

  1. To do this, open the Merge PDF page.
  2. Now upload all the PDF files that you want to combine. Then click “Merge”.
  3. “File Mode” is automatically preset. If you want to join the files together, all you have to do is put the uploaded PDFs in the correct order.
  4. Wait a few seconds for the files to be merged. Then you can download the new file by clicking on “Download and display in browser”.

PDF24 Creator: The free software solution

In order to be able to combine PDF files without an Internet connection, you should have the free tool PDF24 Creator installed on your computer.

  1. First open the PDF24 Creator and load all files into it that you want to combine completely or in parts.
  2. The PDF files are displayed in a preview page by page. You can move a single page or the entire file until you preview the order you want.
  3. To join the PDF pages together, click on the button with the two rings in the menu bar.
  4. At the end you have to save your file using the floppy disk symbol.

Alternative for Mac users: PDF Merger

To merge PDFs from large files, we recommend the free PDF Merger software. There is also a solution for small PDF files and individual pages without additional software:

  1. First you have to set that the PDF files are opened via Preview (standard). To do this, click on the file, select “Information”>”Open with”>”Preview”>”Change all”.
  2. Now mark the two PDF files that you want to combine and open them with a double-click.
  3. In the menu under “Appearance” select “Thumbnails”.
  4. Now you can select all the pages you want to have in the new file and drag them over to the other PDF file.
  5. Finally, you can save the PDF file under a new name.

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